only once in your life, i truly believe, you find someone who can completely turn your world around. you tell things that you've never shared with another soul and they absorb everything you say and actually want to hear more. you share hopes for the future, dreams that will never come true , goals that were never achieves and the many disappointments life has thrown at you. when something wonderful happens, you can't wait to tell them about it, knowing they will share in you excitement. they are not embarrassed to cry with you when you hurting or laugh with you when you make a fool of yourself. never do they hurt you feelings or make you feel like you are not good enough, but rather they build you up and show you the things about yourself that make special and even beautiful. there is never any pressure, jealousy or competition but only a quiet calmness when they are around. you can be yourself and not woory about what they will think of you because they love you for who you are
-Bob Marley
-Bob Marley